basICColor products

calibration and profiling software, digital camera grey balancing tools
Neil Barstow of has been working with basICColor for over 13 years and, with hundreds of users in the field, is very well equipped to talk you through the advantages and features of their product line. Please click here to contact Neil by email. Please provide contact details and a little info about your needs and Neil Barstow will call you personally to talk over your requirements.
display calibration rewritten
All new basICColor display 6 software with a ground up rewrite and a at very reasonable price, the basICColor display software provides a significant upgrade for those users who feel that they'd like more display accuracy and, thus, better peace of mind. basICColor display is the right solution for any screen user who would like more flexibility for calibration; the ability to fine tune calibration target values can result in far better print matching than is provided by the often very simplistic and limited software bundled with calibration hardware.
digital camera tools
grey balancing
basICColor GrayCard is practically free of "metamerism" (metameric failure). In brief, this means that the basICColor Grey card looks the same under all viewing conditions: Grey without a cast. Most Greycards do not have this property because of metamerism where they pick up casts under different lightsources.
camera profiling software and targets
basICColor Input software is invaluable in the quest to achieve critical colour accuracy from your digital camera or scanner files. Good input profiling software properly analyses the captured camera or scanner target, determines the reproduction characteristics of the device and encapsulates this information into an accurate ICC profile.
the digital colorchecker SG (semi gloss) is a high quality and very well respected hard copy target developed by Munsell for use in digital photography. The colorchecker SG has an extended colour patch series and includes surrounding uniformity fields to confirm even illumination. The included 140 colour patches were carefully selected as representative colour gamut markers, so that the resulting ICC input profile can produce very high quality images.