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The products section shows all the useful product we can source to help with our colour management workflow, please click section headers to go to each full page
The products section shows all the useful product we can source to help with our colour management workflow, please click section headers to go to each full page
Here you'll find a brief summary of the screen calibration products I use and resell to my clients with links to detailed information.
German colour masters basICColor provide a range of high quality calibration/profiling, analysis and profile optimisation software, calibration sensors, digital camera targets and grey-balancing tools.
I recommend and sell Eizo, my speciality is one to one personalised advice on equipment requirements.
What is it that you really need to spend your money on to get to where you'd like to be?
I can help with sensible Eizo Display choice, please allow me to recommend equipment specifically for your own particular application.
Practical Colour Management for Photographers and Digital Image Makers: How to get accurate colour on screen, from Michael Walker and Neil Barstow, co-authors of Getting Colour Right. Well laid out and easy to follow, this new e-book is designed to help photographers, graphic designers and artists get the most out of their digital workflow.
Display colour management is, quite literally, the bedrock of digital colour control. Since the Display System provides your personal window on the world of colour, you must be confident that the screen is providing a correct visual preview of the 'colour numbers' contained in a digital file. In this ground breaking e-book we thoroughly explain the whys and wherefores of the calibration target settings in software, the process of calibration and profiling including 'hardware calibration' screens, also the possible pitfalls and ways to avoid getting it wrong.
I recommend and sell Epson, the range includes an impressive and capable selection of Large and Medium Format machines.
It really is possible to produce very high end fine art, photo prints & proofs totally under your personal control.
Your real needs are important and I'd like the opportunity to discuss those needs with you before you make a decision.
I provide a range of solutions for printed proofing, including printer hardware, proof papers and software RIPs as well as proof analysis and proof optimisation software and high quality measurement sensors.
I work with various manufacturers and distributors to provide clients with tried and tested solutions alongside software and hardware solutions and consumables for their imaging needs.
Over the years I've gained a lot of experience and have been asked by many clients to supply as well as advise on consumables suitable for their own specific requirements.
Graphic Technology viewers, for use in critical viewing of prints proofs and for objects.
Ambient studio, office and printroom lighting and the viewing of calibrated monitor displays, prints and proofs - and even objects - is, after display calibration, one of the most important, but seldom properly considered, parts of the colour management jigsaw.
Prints, proofs and objects such as products and garments may have significantly different appearance under varying light sources.
Consistent Industry Standard illumination is the answer.
Measurement devices and software: A significant step in profile-making is to purchase a decent quality measurement device like the X-Rite iOne Pro spectrophotometer.
iOne Pro2 provides display calibration/profiling as well as providing a great way to get started out making printer profiles with a real spectrophotometer.
Do you want to get really serious about profilemaking? I can also help with supply and training on X-Rite's high-end gear e.g. iOne Photo Pro, Profiler and iOne Publish, for scanner, camera, monitor and print profiling, they make some great high-end instruments too.
The ugra/fogra-media wedge CMYK is the internationally recognized proof reference standard.
Common practice for contract proofs requires that the ugra/fogra V2 or V3 media wedge be included on each printed proof. The resulting measurement values must conform to the nominal ISO 12647 values and the ISO 12647-7 tolerances.
A bulletproof solution to checking calibration accuracy, the gold standard. As a result of my own experience in monitor profiling I have discovered that, because of possible errors, screen deterioration or instrument damage, even sensor based calibration and profiling cannot be considered to be infallible.
CHROMiX ColorThink™, think of it as the Swiss Army knife for colour profiles - ColorThink is the colour management toolset that helps you understand your colour better than ever before.
The ColorThink toolset is an application composed of nine modules that are proven to keep your brain on colour.
I highly recommend the excellent ColorThink and ColorThink Pro software, excellent software conceived in the fertile and brilliant mind of Steve Upton at Chromix.
It is of utmost importance to use a well designed, well made and accurately defined target for input profiling. Here you'll find info. on the excellent DCCSG for camera profiling and the Hutchcolor target, the HCT for scanners.
It is of utmost importance to use a well designed, well made and accurately defined target for input profiling. Here you'll find info. on the excellent Hutchcolor target, the "HCT" for scanners.
Quality Control software and targets for digital capture from Image Engineering, Image Science Associates and imagingetc.