chromix colorthink
You can't manage colour if you don't understand it.

CHROMiX ColorThink™, think of it as the Swiss Army knife for colour profiles - ColorThink™ is the colour management toolset that helps you understand your colour better than ever before. The ColorThink toolset is an application composed of nine modules that are proven to keep your brain on colour. ColorThink includes:
Profile Manager
- Profile Re-namer
- Profile Inspector
- Profile Linker
- 2D Graphing
- Profile Medic
- 3D Graphing
- Colour Lists
- Image Inspector
ColorThink and ColorThink Pro from Chromix
I highly recommend the excellent ColorThink and ColorThink Pro software, excellent software conceived in the fertile and brilliant mind of Steve Upton at Chromix. Those interested in a 3D profile mapper (which really helps get a handle on colour spaces), a profile manager and a profile repair and analysis tool (and a whole lot more) could do no better than to look at the product on the Chromix site, if you do decide to buy, please put in a note in the comment box about my recommendation, I'd like Steve to know I am supporting his hard work with ColorThink, the Swiss Army knife for ICC profiles - and ColorThink Pro, the "on steroids" version.
click here for more on CHROMiX ColorThink
click here for the colorwiki created by CHROMiX