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display calibration equipment and software

recommended screen calibration products which I use and resell

display calibration equipment and software

Below is a brief summary, if you want to know more about the calibration process, please also follow this link to my screen calibration advice section where you will find lots of info. and also links to the equipment I handle.
Additionally, there are links below for direct access to product information.

basICColor screen calibration products

basICColor DisplayAt a very reasonable price, the basICColor display software (new for 2020) provides a significant upgrade for those users who feel that they'd like more display accuracy and, thus, better peace of mind.  basICColor display is the right solution for any screen user who would like more flexibility for calibration; the ability to fine tune calibration target values can result in far better print matching than is provided by the often very simplistic and limited software that's bundled with calibration hardware.

basICColor Discus

BasICColor DISCUS (APOLOGIES, DISCUS IS UNAVAILABLE AT THIS TIME) is a highly accurate measurement sensor for Display Calibration. The DISCUS is recognised as the best display screen sensor available. It has wide ranging software support. Monitor Technology has benefited from rapid development and now demands significantly more from a measurement instrument. Latest LCD and LED screens, new Wider Gamut Displays, Video, Cinema, Presentation and Medical Applications - all need a measurement instrument capable of calibration with highest precision. DISCUS has this precision and also guarantees long life stability.


profile verification

It's my belief that display calibration can only be properly checked using a certified printed proof, not even instrumented calibration can be relied upon to make a screen just right because the settings chosen in software are vital to obtaining the right performance. And instruments don't last indefinitely, they can even be damaged by cereless handling. please see here for our verification kit to provide the peace of mind needed for great display calibration and profiling.

You can also download our RGB testimage here (1MB zip file).

Please get in touch here for more info about Display Calibration and Profiling.

