eizo displays
a range of very high quality display screens

I specialise in one to one personalised advice on equipment requirements. I can help you decide what is it that you really need to spend your money on to get to where you'd like to be with your digital imaging.
ColorEdge were the world's first monitors with built-in calibration sensors for colour-critical applications. The built-in sensor of the CG Series is designed and manufactured by EIZO and can be set to calibrate the monitor automatically at designated times ensuring that your monitor display screen stays colour accurate so you can stay focused on creating.
ColorEdge is designed to maintain consistent colour from capture to print. Whether it be at the photo studio, design agency, or printing office, using ColorEdge throughout the photography workflow ensures the same colour information is shared at each step of the process.
I can help!
I may even be able to save you some money in your quest for colour perfection. Please click here to contact by email, Neil Barstow will call you personally to talk over your requirements
We are not box-shifters, if you would like proper advice from a very experienced user on Display technology to truly suit your needs and your pocket please click here to contact me by email for assistance or with your questions