epson printers
printers and consumables

I recommend and sell Epson Printers, inks and media, the range includes an impressive and capable selection of Large and Medium Format printing machines. It really is possible to produce very high end fine art, photo prints & proofs totally under your personal control. Your real needs are important and I'd like the opportunity to discuss those needs with you before you make a decision.
Set up right and, perhaps, driven with RIP software, the Epson printers can really fly when using the right materials. Fine Art printing like you never thought possible within the walls of your own building is a big claim but quite realistic.
Please click here to get in touch by email, please provide contact details and a little information about your needs and Neil Barstow will call you personally to talk over your requirements.
Alongside unbeatable inksets, Epson also produce some very high quality paper and canvas materials and that's why I provide them for many or our customers. Again, please click one of the contact us links on this page and Neil Barstow will get in touch to help you choose the right printing materials for your particular situation.
We are not box-shifters by any means, if you would like proper advice from an experienced user on printing technology to suit your needs and pocket please click here to get in touch by email with your printer questions so we can have a chat.