colour management training
getting you up to speed

I provide on to one training in colour management, or colour management training for for small groups, including use of profiles and rendering intents, Capture, Scanning, Proofing, the concept of Image Integrity, Image Optimisation for CMYK Print and on the necessary software to help you get all this right. Basically, we can cover optimisation of your workflow, end to end.
personalised training
A training program can be fully tailored to suit each client's needs and aspirations. Present knowledge, what you would like to achieve, time, and (importantly) budget, as well as my experience of industry requirements are all taken into account so that training is fully relevant.
Basic minimum training would normally cover display system calibration and profiling with training to enable maintenance of that vital aspect of managing colour. Also use of ICC profiles for input and output devices (e.g. a camera, scanner, printer).
I can train you and your staff in digital capture and scanning procedures for the production of high quality images, and image optimisation for various printing processes.
Perhaps a survey is the right place to start? Please click here for more on that option.
application settings and rendering intents
I will also help you understand application settings and to learn when and why to choose each of the different Rendering Intents which are on offer, e.g. in Photoshop, for colour conversions using profiles.
A good knowledge of the various Rendering Intents and their potential effects on image files is a vitally important part of optimising the process of conversion via ICC profiles. These profile based conversions are often made in preparation for or during for printing.
I will explain the process of image optimisation specific to output destination and tell you how to maintain the vitally important "image integrity" throughout your workflow.
I feel that an understanding of output specific image adjustment, carried out before making a profile based output conversion for print is a very important. Because CMYK inks on paper often have a quite a restricted gamut (range of colour and tone), the implications of this conversion need very careful attention before it takes place.
softproofing output
It is also valuable to cover Photoshop's softproofing options, which, when used properly and with good profiles and accurate display systems, allow a very good on-screen simulation of the (to be) printed results.
a hidden obstacle, the rendering intent and working space tripwire
There is a vital step in image processing which often goes unnoticed - files are also converted at the time of bringing captures into the selected "Device Independent" Photoshop working space. Unfortunately this aspect of dealing with an image data bottleneck in workflow is often neglected as it may be a background process, i.e. it happens automatically. Many images are compromised by the conversion made at this stage. - as they are converted during export from a raw processor or scanner application or as soon as they are opened in Photoshop. The process can be controlled with condsidered manual intervention. However, issues often arise because of widely held misunderstandings about rendering intents and about working spaces and, therefore, about the implications of this conversion/transformation. Image deterioration, such as disappearance of detail, can sometimes go unnoticed or be thought inevitable - these issues can be avoided with the right knowledge and understanding of the principles involved. Joseph Holmes has an interesting essay on the implications of taking image data into working spaces here.
maintenance, scheduled visits
I can train your staff to keep your working procedures and devices in good order too. It's not my policy to leave you with heavy books to read and without an understanding of the way your new procedures work and can be maintained. Of course, for a really busy environment, you might like me to take care of colour management for you during a periodic visit, that's fine too.
why choose me
I have extensive experience in colour management, training and the introduction of workflows for - photographers, colour labs, photo libraries, designers, repro departments, museums, printmaking artists, colleges, universities and others, tuning up processes as relevant, sometimes right through from capture and optimisation to the printing press. I spent 20 years as a photographer in high end advertising and this means that the needs of the industry are familiar and well understood.
free consulting, getting you started
Why not get in touch for a chat about anything you may need help with, please follow the link to my free consulting page.
your equipment
Please click to read "Your Equipment" and "Your Environment", before booking any on-site visit other than a survey. If you do have problems, I can help with good hardware support and advice on working environment requirements if needed. But it is pointless to pay me to try debug a crashing system as it's not a speciality. I can recommend trusted source of good support for this.
I've concocted a couple of example modules, which seem fairly universally popular, especially with photographers - just to give an idea of what's available:
Example 1:
Setting up and calibrating and profiling your monitor screen and maybe, working with you on how to import captured or scanned files into Photoshop and keep the colour the way you want it.
Optional training in the screen calibration and profiling software and the process involved, so you and your staff can do the important job of keeping screens in order.
Process Control and it's implications explained.
Help with setting up Photoshop properly for the implementation of a colour managed workflow that suits your working methods.
Introduction to basic colourmanagement principles "device colour spaces" and "device independent working spaces".
An approach for archive able work to best ensure repurposeability for future printing methods.
Given the time, this first session can include some basic tuition in Photoshop techniques for image integrity and basic optimisation.
It seems often to be useful to discuss the important matter of continuity in appearance during file exchange between image provider and client and provide advice and solutions for this potentially error-laden process.
An in-house inkjet printer might also be profiled at this time (more here) to provide a way to view your work accurately in print.
Example 2:
Colour management and it's application in the capture or scanning process explained, most especially with a view to image integrity, this is very important as it is really frustrating to have to rescan a back catalogue because of a misinterpretation of manuals and conflicting advice on the internet.
Taking image optimization the next step. More Photoshop techniques including use of adjustment layers and, especially, curves adjustments, can include some work with basic masks too.
Detailed explanation of how to handle the "loaded gun" of Rendering Intent choice, as it apples to both RGB to RGB and RGB to CMYK transformations, both during input and output of files - with examples.
Introduction to advanced Photoshop layer techniques.
More "in depth" training in colormanagement and pointers for "pre CMYK" optimisation as well as ideal resizing methods for output, which help retain detail and sharpness.
A proper run through UnSharp Masking methods, as well as a permanently re-adjustable USM technique using layers.
Soft proofing, on screen, in Photoshop.
Making a CMYK "cross rendered" proof on your low cost desktop RGB based printer.
The colour managed workflow from start to finish including archiving recommendations and the creation of a master image.