free colour management
can I get help for free? yes you can

That's right, no cash needed, you can chat for free to me, Neil Barstow, to discuss any of the subjects I offer training on - or you might like advice on choosing equipment - or maybe you'd like to get started with setting up an inkjet printer or display.
I test a lot of equipment and come across a whole lot more in my work: training and setting up photographers, repro. departments and printers, photo libraries, art schools, designers and artists. Of course, I'm always looking for the best and most cost-effective solutions and work hard on research to keep up in the imaging game.
Your questions may already be answered here: why is colour management needed; does this sound like you; 7 steps to colour heaven or in the advice section. Why not take a look there and look at some background info before calling.
Please agree to keep free calls to 15 minutes, so others can get through.
These free discussions are intended to help you out and also to introduce you to my services, not replace them, so please do not expect to call again and again for free. If my advice helps you, maybe you'd like to help me to continue my research by giving me some work or buying through my company. The information I have is sometimes pretty hard to come by and can result from very time-consuming testing - so it must have a value, or seeking it out becomes impractical.
Free consulting calls can only be accepted when I am in the office, sorry, but quite some time is spent on the road. Consulting work can be intensive, so please be patient if asked to call back later for whatever reason. I do a quite a lot of pre-arranged phone consulting and, of course, that fills up the day.
no silly questions
You must feel free to ask about whatever concerns you. Someone in consulting once said that there are no silly questions, only silly answers. She was right. Please don't be embarrassed to ask about the basics or to hear about them, without the basics we have nothing.
products I can supply
If asking for advice on a product we handle, please appreciate that we encourage you to arrange purchase of the item via my company, if I helped you. More on products here. As an idea, we deal with: X-Rite, basICColor, Datacolor (Spyder), Eizo, Epson, GTI (Graphic Technology) view booths, GMG RIP, Other Photo RIPs and Proofing solutions, Inkjet papers inc. Innova, Epson and Hahnemuehle.
It's only fair - right? I hope you agree.
email and phone consulting
After your free chat - if you like, you can, of course, book additional time for consulting by email or telephone, please click here to ask about rates and terms.
If you plan your questions well, a lot can be answered in that first chat.
Advice is given in good faith as a result of careful research, however, neither I nor my associates can be held responsible in any way for the results or consequences of your implementation of that advice.
If you agree to these terms, for please send an email with your agreement and an idea of your query by clicking here and we will send you a phone number to call me on ASAP.